this fat fuck has contributed nothing to the "scene". "go with a sexual state", thats his fuchen contribution?? lol, the guy sounded like a fucken retard when berry interview krusty hemme on the show. he laugh like a fucken retard at his own fucken jokes which are not funny and lol he thinks hes a fuchen "guru" and you fags listen to this fuck? lol this shit cracks me up. now he has his own forums with berry lol, got to love this fat toughguy fuck living with his mom
I've listened to a bunch of his CD's downloaded illegally of course. Hell yeah!!
It's weird, he tells you do to the most basic things about keeping a good appearance and having a good hygiene. Then, he talks about going into a Sexual State. WTF? Well how do I do that, Mr. Gunwitch? He then talks about his Val Kilmer, Jim Morrison impression from The Doors movie when he approaches.
I don't know, I'm sure there's stuff in the CDs, I'm just so bored listening to them. Maybe I'll get super baked, listen to them and see if it's any better.
Oh man... Pua7000. I can't believe it... we didn't make it to California. Maybe one day, man. I can't.... believe... your banned.
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I like you man.
What's going on?
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I've got my eye on this s3c motherfucker, if he keeps posting that picture, I'll delete them all.
I'm gonna let him go for now.
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k now u gonna get raped
watch ur ass tonite...
1. Gunwitch is fat.
2. Gunwitch lives with his mother.
3. Gunwitch is old, like in his mid-thirties and still doesn't have enough money to even live on his own.
4. Gunwitch never sleeps, he's like a vampire or some shit.
5. Gunwitch made up at least half of the stories he has told about his life. He's a bullshit artist.
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